Production Inventory
Background 1 – full view of shoreline with cityscape and back view of lighthouse
-include zoomed in size of her walking up (shot 2 closest afternoon)
-include enough to the left for later view out at sea (shot 46 farthest night)
Background 2 – full front view of lighthouse assets with broken and unbroken views
-include close up of door
Background 3 – Interior shot of onside door frame
Background 4 – Full downstairs view (make assets be able to be reflected to go in for later close ups)
-include close up of family portrait (shot 14)
-include later destroyed lighthouse assets
Background 5 – ¾ view of kitchen area with sink to fridge
-include close up of her pouring tea at the oven
Background 6 – close up of pictures on the fridge
Background 7 – Overhead view looking down the staircase steps
Background 8 – View looking up the staircase to the top
Background 9 – front view of the lantern room
-include zoomed in view of lantern lens (shot 90 closest)
-include later broken and overturned assets
Background 10 – ¾ view of lantern room
-include extreme close up of the lantern
-lnclude broken and overturned assets
Background 11 (assets really) – close up of waves as the light passes over
Background 12 (assets really) – close up view of the Fish’s eye opening
Background 13 – profile view of the lighthouse
-include zoomed in the closest for the Fish hitting the side of the lighthouse (shot 63 closest)
-include it zoomed in as the lens falls in his mouth (shot 120)
-include it later falling over destroyed asset
Background 14 – view of the Fish jumping from Nerine’s perspective
Background 15 – View from Nerine’s perspective of her looking out into the ocean to see him swimming
Background 16 – View of the Fish out in the water as the light hits him
-include close up of the light hitting him and irritating his eyes (shot 87)
Background 17 – Nerine’s perspective of a straight view of the lantern lens (reverse broken assets from Background 9 of the front view of the Lantern room)
Background 18 – Nerine’s perspective of the Fish swimming down below as the Lighthouse is tipping over
Background 19 – Nerine’s view of down the bent staircase and the torn Lighthouse base to see the outside
Background 20 – Nerine’s perspective of the broken lantern from her sitting on top of the staircase
Background 21 – Nerine’s perspective of her picking up the pictures on the floor
Background 22 – Close up of the acceptance letter
Background 23 – Close up of Nerine walking from the city up towards the lighthouse (shot 3)
Background 24 – Close up of door
Nerine’s views:
1) Front view – closest shot 77, farthest shot 7
2) Back view – 65, 88 (profile face)
3) ¾ view- closest shot 3, farthest shot 2
4) back ¾ view – closest shot 6, farthest 127
5) detailed left articulated hand – closest shot 12, farthest shot 118
6) detailed right articulated hand – closest shot 19, farthest shot 107
The Fish’s views:
1) front view with opening mouth – shot 67
2) profile view – closest shot 63, farthest shot 66
3) dark profile of eye – shot 48
4) ¾ view – shot 84
5) ¾ view front – shot 53
6) ¾ overhead view – shot 81
7) ¾ dark back shadow view – closest 55, farthest 57
8) top view – 107
- Lighthouse – front (closest shot 5 of door, farthest shot 4), back (closest shot 3 of her walking up, farthest shot 46 out in the ocean), profile (closest shot 63, farthest shot 62)
Destroyed Lighthouse – front (closest shot 133), profile (closest shot 120, farthest shot 123)
Lantern – front (closest shot 90, farthest shot 28), ¾ view (shot 29), ¾ opened (closest shot 31, farthest shot 30)
Lantern cracked – front (closest shot 107, farthest shot 101), ¾ view (closest shot 98, farthest shot 120), Nerine’s view (115)
Waves – closest shot 47, farthest 46
Eviction notice – closest shot 5, farthest shot 4
Crumpled evicition notice – shot 7
Messenger bag w/ paint supplies – closest shot 3, farthest shot 7
Shoes to remove – shot 7
Family portrait – closest shot 12, farthest shot 8
Flowers (to be knocked over) –closest shot 72, farthest shot 8
Fridge (to be knocked over with food falling out)- shot 73
Pots and pans – closest shot 73, farthest shot 8
Tea kettle – closest shot 54, farthest shot 8
Tea mug – closest shot 54, farthest shot 59
Close up picture on fridge – closest shot 18
Close up of letter on fridge – shot 18
Pictures and cards to fall off fridge – closest shot 128, farthest shot 73
Paintings front– shot 28
Fallen over paintings – shot 77
Broken glass – closest shot 75, farthest shot 64
Stool – shot 28, 96
Flying debris/papers - shot 133
I unfortunately did not get near as much done as I wanted to this past weekend due to a combination of bad time management and letting process overwhelm and confuse me. I believe now I have found a solution but unfortunately I wasted a lot of precious time that could have been used much better. Now I'll just have to work double this coming weekend to reach the deadline before Thanksgiving. Hopefully since I now know how not to start making these assets, it'll hopefully go much faster. By using solely Photoshop and neglecting Illustrator I made the work load on myself much harder and more time consuming for assets that may only work in one scene because they became very pixelated. As of right now I have 4 backgrounds. I'm wondering if at this point I should forget the outline on most objects because it takes so long to draw the outline of each object after I've made it and then I'll still have to worry about the lines getting in the way of animating. I think it would save me some time if I thought about leaving them out (for the most part) from now on and relying on mostly colors to give definition. Or I could possibly try to salvage the line work from my Animatic and replace the stroke.

I haven't made the wave assets yet which would help a lot in terms of looking more finished.I also decided it would be better to make assets like the family portrait and fridge separately because they move and/or have more intense close up shots that would probably be better to make separate instead of trying to rely on scaling and unscaling and possbily damaging the pixels. Also having them separate allows more more control of animation and manipulation later.